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Wave - Ecommerce Template

Wave is a sleek and modern eCommerce template designed to help you launch your online store effortlessly. With a clean, conversion-focused design, Wave makes it easy to showcase your digital or physical products, engage customers, and drive sales.

Wave - Ecommerce Template

Wave is a sleek and modern eCommerce template designed to help you launch your online store effortlessly. With a clean, conversion-focused design, Wave makes it easy to showcase your digital or physical products, engage customers, and drive sales.


  • Fully responsive

  • Highly customizable

  • 2 CMS collections

  • Sleek & minimal design

  • Simple category management

  • Detailed instruction & full support


  1. Home

  2. Products

  3. Categories (CMS)

  4. Product (CMS)

  5. Support

  6. Legal (CMS)

  7. 404